Organic Rosé Wines
Organic Rosé Wines
Rosé wine is made from one or more red grape varieties that are crushed into a pulp and left to macerate with the skins. The juice is then filtered and fermented in tanks. There is no colour in the grape flesh, so the longer the maceration process, the deeper the colour. Keeping the juice in contact with the skins also gives the finished product a more tannic character. Paler rosés generally offer a lighter, fresher taste and flavour, while darker colours indicate a fuller-bodied wine with flavours approaching those of red wines.
Country and region of origin can influence the style of the wine. Those made in France are usually drier, while those originating in the new world are more known for having a sweeter taste and aroma. There are exceptions, of course, as some varieties in South America are bone-dry, while some European variants have higher fruit sugar content.
If sweet and fruity are your taste preferences, then you can’t go wrong with Pinot Noir, which is light in colour and has soft fruit flavours. If you enjoy a fuller flavour, then Malbec is an excellent choice that’s noted for its darker colour and closer resemblance to red wine. Merlot and Grenache are other good choices if you want something that falls in between these styles.
If you enjoy wine in general, then rosé wine offers enough selections to suit various palate preferences. It can also have a lighter alcoholic content, particularly English rosés, making it a top choice if you want to enjoy a glass of wine without feeling too tipsy.